– Ketamine For Mental Health

One third of Canadians are choosing to prioritize their mental health.

Embrace imperfection with us and consider healing as a distinctive and non-linear journey. At SABI, we approach mending as an artful process, free of judgement.


— Intro to Ketamine

Ketamine may be the psychedelic catalyst to help you reach the breakthrough you’ve been needing. But a catalyst alone is not enough to bring about lasting change which is why we combine ketamine with psychotherapy.


Ketamine is administered in low doses by qualified anesthesiologists as a breakthrough catalyst. The non-ordinary state brought on by psychedelic medicine often enables access to feelings, emotions, and memories that might otherwise be blocked. 

After the effects of your low dose wear off, you and your practitioner will discuss and break down your experience. Our goal is to assist you in gaining tangible insights from your experience. 

Through individualized forms of therapy, your practitioner will help you integrate these insights into everyday life practices. You are not alone; during your entire experience you will be supported by a trained medical professional. 


Our Approach


The SABI Mind method centers on three distinct phases of personalized patient care designed to address the emotional, physical and mental blockages caused by treatment-resistant mental health disorders and chronic pain conditions.

  • Your healing begins here as you establish relationships with the team that will guide you along your treatment journey. You and your therapist will discuss your health history and set new healing goals and intentions for your psychedelic experience.

  • Your discovery will begin with your therapy team guiding you through what to expect from your ketamine treatment. This will be a chance to reflect on and re-establish the intentions you have set for yourself. Our team will start by administering low doses to establish your comfort levels with the medicine and determine subsequent doses based on your response and goals, after which you will have a chance to decompress and relax before exploring and reflecting on your experience.

  • Integration is where you and your therapist give meaning to the insights you’ve gained and put into action the breakthroughs you’ve uncovered during your discovery and exploration sessions. Through tangible actions that can be integrated into your everyday life, we derive lasting change from your psychedelic experience.

The principle of set and setting is integral to a balanced treatment system that blends intention and integration into a continuous care model that extends beyond our walls. Our compassionate practitioners provide care that defines the difference between quick-fix and lasting change.

The Benefits of Ketamine

The healing promise of psychedelic medicines is not new, it has deep roots in indigenous communities around the world and a history of proven therapeutic application in modern science. Western medicine’s rediscovery of the potential of psychedelics is supported by a growing body of clinical research and evidence supporting their efficacy in treating pain and several mental health challenges including chronic depression, PTSD, and anxiety. 

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Your healing journey is unique.

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