Offering an integrated interdisciplinary, holistic approach to treating chronic pain conditions.
Approximately 1 in 5 Canadians suffer from chronic pain, and many find conventional therapies and medications to be largely ineffective. Scientific studies suggest ketamine therapy may be a valuable treatment option to address some of the most difficult-to-treat chronic pain conditions.
What is Ketamine Therapy for Chronic Pain (KTCP)?
Studies show that a holistic biopsychosocial approach to the management of chronic pain is more effective than a strictly medical approach.
SABI offers an interdisciplinary program led by a chronic pain specialist that includes focused integrative therapies and collaboration with existing community supports for rehabilitation. Recognizing the diverse lived experiences of our clients, our clinic team will work with you to create a custom treatment plan that honours your unique path to wellbeing.
Alongside the ketamine treatment, SABI offers a specialized program that will prepare you for the ketamine Discovery Sessions. The therapy program will also provide support for processing and integrating personal insights that may arise from the ketamine experience(s). We are here to support you every step of the way along this journey.

Will KTCP work for me?
Scientific guidelines affirm evidence supporting a trial of one ketamine session to gauge response to treatment. Clients who respond well to ketamine therapy may benefit most from 4-6 ketamine sessions over several weeks. Specific pain diagnoses, such as CRPS, have been shown to respond better to multiple treatments in quick succession.
Additionally, evidence suggests that maintenance treatments (i.e., once every three months) may help extend the therapeutic and pain-relieving effects of KTCP.