Design Crush: Inside a Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Clinic in Calgary with Natural, Serene Vibes

This Calgary medical clinic embraces wabi-sabi design philosophy.

By Alyssa Hirose / August 11, 2022

Recently Western Living Magazine and SABI Calgary Designer Mikaela Blain took a tour of our first healing centre and discussed the philosophy behind her design and how she balanced function and aesthetics.

One of the most important factors in any interior design project is how the space is going to be used. The design of a medical clinic, of course, needs to be function-forward. But what about a clinic where all the patients are under the influence of psychedelic drugs? 

It’s a pretty niche area, but designer Mikaela Blain of Solo Studio had a bit of experience in a related field—she’d worked on a number of cannabis shops, which have that same style-meets-function mandate. “The hope for this kind of space is for it to be comforting, welcoming, and not overly clinical,” says Blain. The Calgary clinic, called Sabi Mind, is the first of its kind in Canada. “Although it is a treatment space, we wanted it to feel almost residential,” says the designer. 

That residential feel was achieved through using wabi-sabi techniques: plenty of natural materials, warm diffused light, and comfortable furnishings that are a far cry from the average doctor’s office décor. Let’s take a tour. 

Read the full article here.


SABI Mind Calgary Featured in Globe and Mail


SABI Mind Team Healing - Heesoo Cho